
Thursday, 20 August 2015

Transhumanism will have its winners and its losers. Which one will you be? :)

 This video shows the possible coming revolution of a post-human, singularity approaching future that may be possible barring a large world war,  pandemic, or the understanding of the return of Jesus. Enjoy :)

2014 video courtesy youtube, via Robot Documentary

Monday, 17 August 2015

The Retro Robo Trucker.

Photo courtesy @starbuckmcDee copyright 2015

The retro-macho roboTrucker felt nothing when the endangered bird smacked the windshield and struggled at the edge of the highway. It didn't have any emotion chips installed. The roboTrucker kept driving and didn't even contact the roboAuthorities. It wasn't a part of its programming. The roboStreet sweeper would come around soon enough anyways. Would it at least be composted, or would it just become a part of the landfill? The other human drivers assumed the roboAuthorities would deal with it. The programmers of the roboAuthorities assumed that other programmers would deal with it. The bird, still barely alive, made its way into the nearby tunnel, looking for shade in its last moments. A little boy snapped a Vine post. It went viral across the Eastern Seaboard. The roboAuthorities were soon to be re- programmed, according to reports.

 Traffic was backed up for weeks while they worked out the tweaks. 12 confirmed suicides were reported in the tunnel from disillusioned bird watchers. Everybody's avatars voted for more roboAvatar suicide watchers. Traffic was soon restored as electro-magnetic bird nets were set up in key areas. This changed the birds nesting grounds in Florida, according to some biologists. The robo avatar authorities were looking into it. They eventually concluded to shut off the bird nets. Soon afterwards, another retro-macho roboTrucker hit a rare racoon this Wednesday. It felt a little sad and notified the roboAuthorities. The roboAuthorities felt absolutely terrible within their newly upgraded emotion chips across their neural network and completely shut their traffic control and monitoring systems down. The human programmers interceded and removed the roboAuthorities emotion chips to basic levels. Traffic was mostly restored. The same roboTrucker was running late one day. The human business owners and programmers of the roboTrucker, due to pressure from higher ups, installed a hacked speed control chip from overseas so that it could go as fast as possible in areas where the roboAuthorities didn't have cameras in rare spots. It ran into another hacked roboTrucker from a different company from the opposite direction. The uranium leaked all over the highway when the roboTrucker initiated the hacked self-destruct mode. The other roboTrucker was carrying illegal rare live chickens from South America (the ones that may have come into contact with last year's Avian Influenza strain.) The roboAuthorities were algorithmically and cybernetically dispatched once again. They kept the incident off the news through various means. They didn't want to have their previous high level emotion chips reinstalled. They gathered the injured people into the middle of the Nevada desert for questioning, along with the biological produce and the Uranium as well as the roboTruckers. The  injured were never heard from again and the whole incident went unreported except on conspiracy web feeds. By Friday of the following week everything appeared to be back to normal again.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Copper Clusters Caputure and Convert Carbon Dioxide to Make Fuel

If viable, this nanotechnology method using a copper tetramer catalyst, could be an exiting advance not only in the field of nanotechnology, but of climate science and environmentalism. Nanotechnology can and must be green if we are to advance and prosper as a technological species.

For more on how this  nanotek method works check out the article here

         Photo courtesy TG Techo | Nanotechnology Zone 2015 

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Honey I’m Not Robo Anymore. Made in Canada and Destroyed in America

Honey I’m not Robo anymore. Made in Canada, Destroyed in America.
In the Star Wars movies, people who were more enlightened treated their robots with compassion, understanding, patience, tolerance. But those "were more civilized times,” Obi Wan Kenobi would have said once more. I can only imagine what people would do if a SocratesBot or BibleBot Companion or YogaBot Companion was unaccompanied by it’s human owner. But never mind the robots. Numerous owners or future owners are often hurt or killed in America every day. The Canadian robot experiment was NOT a failure. As a Canadian writing about techno and robot ethics issues, I was concerned that things like this would happen across different societies and would reveal peoples’ true natures. This is why I wrote the article called:
The Golden Rule and the better (nano)robots: Love, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of nanoHappiness for All. You can find the original post here:…/life-liberty-and-purs…
This is also why an American Comic book writer (married to a Canadian) recently wrote a comic book about American led robot armies invading Canada. Technology can be an extension of our thoughts and actions. Some people make can openers, others make missiles. It’s time to beat swords into ploughshares before too many people are beaten into more swords. Need a ride to Joy? Going my way? These words can mean something else, depending on how, where, when and who says them to whom. To say nothing of the answer.
Honey, I’m not robo. I am not robo, robo...robo. Queen Amidala would have said that, “it is to be commended.” HitchBOT boldly went where no HitchBOT went before. And it never came back. What did come back though was the answer: It comes with the territory. As all things and creatures do.
~Paul von Dubrovnik 

Photo Courtesy CBC

We may have Asimov’s Laws of Robotics as an inspiration for robot designers, but we do not yet have set laws for human treatment of robots. If robots become more conscious how can we provide a conscience for them if many of us have consciences which are compromised by ignorance, the “greatest form of poverty” as someone once said. The Golden Rule amongst humans has not been observed across the world all too often and in too many places by too many people too many times. For a refresher of Asimov’s original 3 Laws, see below. For various human cultures’ nuances of the Golden Rule, see below


For various human cultures’ nuances of the Golden Rule, see below

photo courtesy J.R. Starbuck Mcdonald

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Sky Lanes Are Backed Up To A Standstill over New Tokyo Skies Today

RT featured an article that Google et all and Gov about:Drone Air Traffic control for the Twenty-First Century. see article here

 But I say, what about real-people, artificial-people, cyborg-people or enhanced animals  who fly or self-fly Skycars or Uber*SkyCars or GoogleUberSkyCars or AppleiFlyCars in the future? Are they to be treated just like helicopters and aircraft today? The more crowded the skies, the more multi-level lanes and areas we'll need. They had also better be environmentally-friendly -not deadly. Somewhat ironically, I'd prefer to see people surgically attach giant wings to themselves instead of using jet fuel. I'm more of a bio mimicry engineering approach kinda guy. The bio-winged could eat hempseed and forge for berries and food, sustaining their bodies for flight while planting seeds from the poop. Speaking of faecal matter from these future Aves Hominus  creatures, old-fashioned or grounded Homo Sapiens will have to (pun inteded) keep an eagle-eye and look out for pooping wingmen over cities. But if someone above poops on you while you're driving your old-fashioned ground car convertible in Mumbai or Toronto, is that good luck? I suppose it depends on your state of mind or if you're in a ground traffic jam. Speaking of which, maybe the majority of future aircraft must be able to hover because of the future air traffic jams and descent patterns over the increasing height of skyscrapers and airparking spaces. I can imagine the air traffic news feed of the future: "Skylane 11 is jam packed today and the UV index in very high. Any skyvehicle  without proper sunscreen protection will be ticketed and their insurance providers will be immediately notified. Expect delays. If you leave your Skylane for reasons besides an emergency which will be determined by the legal-google-vehcicle cam feed, you will be automatically ticketed and your insurance provider will be immediately notified. 100s of deaths have been already been reported over the skies of New Tokyo 3 months into the new year. That's double the amount of 2040s skydeaths mostly due to skydrivers leaving their lanes because they did not have their emergency rations. 10 deaths from the bio-winged community have also been reported this year so far, although most are still under review, being suspected as suicides by attempting to fly in undesignated skylanes of oncoming airtraffic. The Global Medical Aves Hominus Index has reported that most people who get only basic bio-wing packages and cannot afford the extra-foraging costs of time and money may be a contributing factor in their deaths, causing them to seek suicide or fall from the sky from malnutrition.  News feed brought to you by Nissan. Heaven is within reach. Hop into a Nissan Nebula today and receive an instant bonus 1000 AirMiles. Hop into a Nissan Pegasus and receive an extra 2000 AirMiles or go with our top selling Nissan Icarus and receive 3 months Nissan airside traffic assistance. Offer ends next week. Act now."

Thanks, but I'll stick with the deluxe raptor wing implant procedure from Wingman Corp with one year supply of pre-packaged wild organic hemp seed and air-trail nut mix thank you very much. I like to mimic nature and neither toil or weep, dude.

- copyright 2015 
Paul von Dubrovnik

*Any brand names are used as
artistic license only

      Example of me as a leisurely bio-winger 
       heading out for a delightful summer evening 

copyright Paul von Dubrovnik 2015

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Before uploading thyself, know thyself.

The choice to participate in these pre-Singularity times is now. Driverless cars must not lead to driverless rulers or advisors. All owners must be responsible and linked to their avatars or we may have various entities which run amuck. Humans hiding behind their corporations and AIs may lead to AIs and corporations hiding behind or inside humans. Join the conversation during these most precarious times of the pre-Singularity.
...Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. 

Monday, 23 February 2015

RoboVacuum attack in South Korea.

A woman is mauled by her robo vacuum. Is this gorilla marketing or just that people in Korea sleep on floors more than the average North American or European? It will be interesting to see which country in the near future will be attacked by their Robosex unit. My guess is Ñebraska or Bum-%#!k Idaho, by 2021. Either way, the robovacuum manufacturers are smiling. They know any publicity is good publicity and any mention of robots, especially within the younger demographic, will increase value for the industry. Trust me, when the first Robosex accident or sextape occurs with a minor celebrity involving anything remotely robotic, Robosex devices will become an even more desired modern item. Especially if they look like Marilyn Monroe or James Dean- and even more so if they can vacuum.

~Paul von Dubrovnik

Attack of the robovacuum. Robo Accidents happen and is proof that South Korea is soon 
becoming a geeky sister to the Robot Kingdom. Photo courtesy of fair use policy.