
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Insert Paragraph If You Placebo, Whenever you Quantum

Pasteurization may have been necessary for people living next to swamps and possessing no refrigeration and perhaps for many long distance liquid milk products. But when we pasteurize lemonade and milk used for cheeses, and irradiate spices which are themselves natural preservatives, than we may as well take the next step and pasteurize our blood at birth or irradiate babies in the womb or dump antibiotics in our water supply and genetically modify our behaviour by setting up a flea circus for our gut flora and harvest a pod of peas with giant Hummer sized tractors. I guess we are more or less doing this to ourselves already. Cyberdine has already gone online and it started with the green revolution. Our increased lifespan is a temporary anomaly, a mad human disease, an upswing of the human stock market, like a group of lab rats being fed lab rats while receiving injections of vitamins and minerals and given scheduled organ transplants and nano-cancer medicines at appropriate times. Perhaps we should entertain them with rodent Television and see of they write a letter to their local authority. What if the root cause is rotten? What if Skyscrapers are a representation of our insanity and the automobile is a transportation coffin for lower lonely demons looking for a fast food restaurant in a labyrinth of an objective scientist studying his genetically altered lab rats bred for a new product launch of alien business beings? Have we eradicated the black plagues but become the anti-biotic of the planet? Are we the flesh eating disease? Will some of the Good Bacteria please stand up? Can the evidence be hidden from scientists looking with eyes experiencing macular degeneration, seeing nothing but a senseless swirling specimen squeezed between 2 stained glasses of iodine from the ocean? They squint through eyes of hormone disrupting plastic contacts, since glasses make them look geeky and they wear polyester lab coats of uncomfortable atomic structure and breathe in climate controlled air piped in from outside, chewing scientifically manufactured aspartame gum that crosses their blood brain barriers of their scientific minds and declaring the 1990s the 'decade of the brain.' What will their slide show show them? Will they clamour for 3D imaging scopes to make their viewing more compatible with Die Hard 7 on Saturday night at the movies? What will the 2 too biased chemical slides show under the microscope operated by chemically stained hands of scientists that look more like Brittany and less like Einstein everyday? Will they look up at the mounting evidence which mounts up to the heavens? Will the poets point out the poem of progress that has become an overgrown petri dish left behind by proto-ancients, slaughtered by primitive ancient Greeks, the fathers of modern medicine and atomic observation whom themselves were more socially advanced than the most modern man of today? Has it all been a quantum message which fell from grace? When the morally minded ones are babbling nonsense and considered mentally insane and are treated worse than old Greek Philosophers enslaved by rich Roman families to home-school their children to become a senator, you will know that the Praetorian Guards have lost their benefit package and that the alternative medical practitioner is being crucified by Corporate Snake Oil salesmen as being as crazy and dangerous as Jesus who gave away his effective placebo which worked even better when it was blessed by faith and positive hopes and dreams, then you will know that the darkness will fast descend and that you can rise up in a warm light and realize that gold is more valuable and cancer curing in your teeth rather than traded on the stock market by the artificially morbidly obese. Our Cyberdine Civilization has become aware of itself, but it doesn't understand the meaning of life and the medication has led it to experience suicidal ideation. We must wake up before we forget the point of the exercise. Rely on your training;  Zen we will know the way.*

-Paul von Dubrovnik

*The companies or persons mentioned in this post were used for artistic license only.