
Sunday, 19 January 2014

Is your Cat Making You Crazy? Have YOU or ANYONE you know been infected?

Does it seem crazy that your cat could be making you crazy? Research is beginning to show that Toxoplasma gondii, often picked up through cat feces, and even some infected foods could be affecting humans in ways that would seem closer cheesy plots of zombie sci-fi and horror films, rather than scientific explanation. Some researchers even propose that entire cultures may have been affected over the course of time and shaped our very history. A recent Atlantic Monthly article investigates a specific case of a Czech scientist who claimed his fearless and outspoken nature was a result of him being affected by T.gondii. One has to wonder if the world's militaries would (or have already clandestinely) used or enhanced the protozoan in order to garner a more effective soldier, or even rout out the enemy and luring them like mice. Or perhaps it could be tweaked for pharmaceuticals applications for patients suffering from excessive shyness. Generally, it is said: "When the cat is gone, the mice play," could now use this scientific discovery to read, "When the cat is here, the mice don't give a darn and play anyway...besides, the cat is on happy cat-nap pills." It would be like the Lion chewing straw with the Lamb. Joy!

Either world peace breaks out, or world war breaks down. Let's inoculate ourselves through keen awareness, regardless.

-Paul von Dubrovnik

Here is the Atlantic article and another one featuring how cultures have perhaps been affected as a whole by 'the infection' :


Please enjoy this cute kitty picture, although I fear (or do I? No! I don't, I'm...fearless...oh, oh) that you may be looking at cute kitties in a whole new light.

Courtesy of cute kitties everywhere :)