
Saturday, 25 January 2014

Robots and Humans...BFFs?

We made them in our image...what do we expect? Will our robot children pick up after our bad habits, or will they pick up on our bad habits? Will we hack them or will they hack us?  We will probably want to have robot-free vacation get-aways robot-free or
robot-reduced zones or perhaps more HUMAN FREE(ISH) ZONES, where robots are free to work out the damage we have caused on a grand how the robots are cleaning up Chemical Spills and Oil's kind of becoming that way already.
Many places across the world, since the rise of artificial robotics and cybernetics, have transformed our economies and environment and moved on to the next area.

Detroit was mostly human, with robots making cars, and then the humans stopped working and the robots stopped working and robots 'popped up' in Japan, then Korea and China. Can we learn to co-exist? The Robots, the Human Masters, the Human Masters of the Humans and the Robots? So far, it's been a wild ride. Has anyone noticed their rise? We are the ones that need organic food...the robots do not. What will we do? Perhaps they will offer us a place in their neuro-feed. We can plug in just like Neo from the Matrix. They will make sure your heart rate is fine....right?

For now, the individual humanoid robots at least, are getting better at figuring out bringing us our lemonade. We should show them gratitude. As so should they, even if they don't understand. We need to incorporate the Golden Rule into their software and also have them take the Hippocratic Oath, before it will be too late. But then, if the masters can't follow it, how can the engineers and software designers 'program' this into them? If the golden rule was actually 'programed' into our internet, hypochondriacs would have to be blocked out of searching for medical diseases and so on.

For now, our robo assistants will bring us a drink. For now we thank them. Except the people who lost their jobs to an 'artificial entity or entities'.  The robot revolution has been happening since the Luddites rose up and warned us. For now, I press enter+paradigm+shift on my keyboard and see what happens....

OH OH it's an ad for  (insert whatever                          )

-Paul von Dubrovnik

Check out the robotics industry's improvement in better automated robots here:

The Robot Revolution already started before you were born. Here's a recent example:

Korea wants to have all robot factories. People better start making their own Kimchi again, lol. Or is that already made by robots? No Kimchi 4 U!