
Thursday, 2 January 2014

Welcome to the PanaCloud.

By 2040 we may be able to download/upload our consciousness. Perhaps we swap or upload our memories/emotions/feelings/vibes and so on, via iMemory, or the Panacloud. Will we all be responsible for the maintenance of our memories, making sure to renew our 'licensing' and dishing out monthly fees or mortgages, or will it be part of The National Health Care Package? Will it be a Human Right to upload your consciousness, or will it be something you buy, like on iTunes? Just click “upload my last 2 weeks of consciousness/experience for $199 a month” or “25 year mortgage for $900,000.” You won't be able to tell your wife you forgot your wedding song. Maybe we'll have to buy hacked false memories, or hire Sony back-track delete programs to cover our open-to the public memories that someone 'accidentally' shared over the Cloud. Please note, Sony is not compatible with iCloud memory systems and Apple's affiliates. 

On 'Quantum-Grid', old friends from your home town, will be sharing memories and tastes of recipes and illegal drugs on neo-facebook and neo-pinterest or neo-whatever, via quantum-computing and teleportation torrents; like going to the "Feelies" in Aldous Huxley's famous book, only from the comfort of your own iHome or Sony cyber-coffin. A Brave New Future might be in store if the march of technology doesn't destabilize the bio-dome-  through botched genetic engineering or bio-destabilizing artificial cellular implants in our food supply, and so on.

In 2040, entire parallel Universes are to be simulated. Our avatars from the quantum-reality-grid- our programmers- are smiling at themselves as we rapidly begin to discover the differences in degree between realities of Reality. Theoretically, we become a dream becoming real. Or is it the other way around? "THIS"-what you are experiencing "NOW"-  is a program where we are meant to think it's us discovering that it IS or is NOT a program. How do I know that I am ME, or not really ME? Theoretically, I could be my Avatar clone self, as you may be, scattered throughout parallel realities, forced to discover a way to upload ourselves on Atoms or Dimensions, and quickly, before McDonald’s changes our minds back. Follow the Purple Grimace and watch out for Hamburglers. -------> Click here to preview taste of BigMac. <----
 Deja deja-vu...:)
-Paul von Dubrovnik

*Names of companies and links are used for artistic license only.